Roaming Coverage

More than 180 countries with usually more than two roaming partners.

Roaming Network

With much more than 180 countries, in which Telecom Liechtenstein usually has more than two roaming partners, we are the perfect partner. Telecom Liechtenstein offers worldwide best roaming contracts with mandatory networks, in which our SIM cards or Identification can be used with all sorts of services. Due to its membership in the A1 Telekom Austria Group, Telecom Liechtenstein is constantly gaining new partners and the already very good roaming coverage is steadily growing.

Coverage in more than 180 countries

With much more than 180 countries, in which Telecom Liechtenstein usually has more than two roaming partners, we are the perfect partner.

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Member of A1 Telekom Austria Group

Due to its membership in the A1 Telekom Austria Group, Telecom Liechtenstein is constantly gaining new partners and the already very good roaming coverage is steadily growing.
